Tuesday, September 2, 2008

She fooled me

Jenny left treatment late last night after her Intervention episode aired. She only wanted to be in treatment so that she didn't look bad at the end of the episode. I got the call early this morning. I called her sister Jessica and Katelyn. I can't get a hold of Jodi or her mom. I'm wondering if they have anything to do with her running away....probably not....but my mind is racing.

If Jenny does not return to treatment by tonight, the facility will call the cops. She will be charged with attempted manslaughter and held with no bail until the baby is born. If the baby dies, the charge will be much greater.

What an end to this crazy story. That began here:


Unknown said...

I'm can't say I'm in total shock because I'm not it's what addicts do. I'm sorry that you hurt as much as you hurt, and Jenny's family hurts as they are hurting. I know this sucks, it really, really sucks. Are you working tonight - we should talk? Let me know and if nothing else email me your phone number at automotivegirl29@yahoo.com and let me know when a good time to call is. You may not like what I have to say - but what I say is coming from someone like Jenny. Let me know.. And hang in there, you have done everything that you can - I promise you have.
Big Hugs..

Waiting for the One=-) said...

I don't know what to say. Im sorry to hear she left. Just don't give up on her she needs you. If YOU need anything please call anytime. I will do whatever you need me too.
Hang in there your tough.
We love ya

Unknown said...

hang in there and good luck to you. i've had a similar situation in my life so jenny's story touched me closely and i'd love to keep up on what happens with jenny (and her baby) as time goes on. hang in there!!!

Unknown said...

I was curious as to what happened to Jenny after seeing her Intervention. I did a search and came up with your blog. I had wanted to see good news. I am sorry. :( I hope her baby is ok.

Coach B. said...

Jenny was found and is back in treatment. I am very disappointed in her. She obviously doesn't have a desire to heal, but this baby has a desire to live...and she needs to put her selfish ways aside.

Thanks for caring!