I did a search for Jenny's Intervention on youtube.com
You wouldn't believe the things that people are saying about her and the family!
Here are my top five least favorite comments:
1. Any notice she looks like a BULL_DYKE? Also, the mormon church is a joke....
2.Fucked up Mormons, and they are surprised they fuck up their own.
3.They aired that Jenny has been sober for 4 whole stinkin' days? Holy Smokes that's clutching on straws.... 4 DAYS!!!!
4.they keep speaking about "secrets" and how her closest sister has "secrets" and i am under the assumption as well that that "secret that is killing her" is that she's gay
5.i'm sorry but my gaydar went through the roof, and its not just the hair
Since Aug 26 2008??? That was just last week, I had to go back and do a double take, then I was like.... wait, is it 2009?That is so sad.
The fact that she got pregnant is even worse. It didnt say "She began a relationship with a man, and became pregnant." it said, "Jenny left rehab after one month and relapsed on heroine. Shortly after she learned she was pregnant." She will probably be just another single mother, who doesnt take care of her kid. Like the world needs another one of those!
What the fuck is wrong with these people? I think that it's very brave to sit behind your computer and talk a bunch of shit about people you know nothing about. I believe there is a special place in hell for people like this. At least, I hope there is.
If you would like to chime in and let these people know how cowardly they are, follow this: