Saturday, November 17, 2007

My husband is driving me crazy!

In case you dont know, I'm getting ready to open up and adult only dance studio. Well, in doing that, it requires that I higher employees. Well, I hired a new employee to teach the men's breakdancing course. My husband is wildly jealous.

He is smothering me. The new employee called me today because we have a photo shoot tomorrow for a new marketing ad. He just wanted to know what time. By the time I had gotten off of that phone call, my husband pretty much decided that he wanted a divorce.

There's a popular radio host, Dr. Laura, who says that the person you want to marry at 20 isn't the same person you will want to marry at 25. Well, she's right. I married a jealous, controling, hot headed man who just happens to be a wonderful dad. I don't know what to do, but I can't go on like this and follow my lifes passion at the same time. Do I give up this thing called dance or do I stand up for myself and the new person I've become and tell him to get lost?

Update: I get like with my husband a lot. A day has passed and I have realized that I have been ignoring him. So, we made peace. I love that man.

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