Monday, November 5, 2007

Denist visit from HELL!

Okay, if you thought the tanning bed incident was bad (scroll down a couple of days) then you have to hear how my dentist appointment went today.

1st - I get there 20 minutes early and wait for 50 minutes before my name is called

2nd - Of course I had a cavity! AAGH. You know those people who say "Well I've never had a cavity...I'm perfect"...yeah well I say shut up. I always have a cavity

3rd - I could hear the receptionist talking about patients behind their back after they left. So I'm left to wonder if she'll do the same when I leave.

4th - He gave me 4 shots in my mouth to get me numb and it didn't work. I felt the drilling so I told him. He gave me three more shots and then went to the bathroom.

5th - The dentist didn't come back for 30 minutes. By that time, my mouth wasn't numb anymore, so he had to give me 4 more shots to renumb it. AAAGHHH!

6th - The poor guy didn't eat anything all day, I could hear his belly growling just inches from my head.

7th - He decided to "disinfect" the inside of my cavity with some sort of bleach. It smelt like the bleach I wash my clothes with.

8th - He spilt 3-4 drops of bleach in my mouth. Before I could react, my throat was on fire. Unfortunately, he was in the middle of something important with my cavity, so I didn't get to rinse for about 15 minutes.

9th - When it was all finished, I sat up in my chair and it was completely dark outside

10th - The place had been closed for over an hour by the time I left.

Last - It was a 4 hour appointment for a stupid cavity.

I have a super numb lip still (it's been about 3 hours since my appointment). I guess it's understandable since I got shot 10 times!!! And, my throat is still recovering from having bleach poured down it.

But, he was a very nice man and for some reason......I will go back and see him next time I need a check up. :)

1 comment:

Elza Clandestine said...

i hate te dentist but Ive never had a shitty time like that!