Sunday, November 18, 2007

Best decision of my life

Today, I was reminded of a decision that I made when I was 16. This decision changed the course of my life forever....and I'm glad that I made it. I gave my baby boy up for adoption to a great family so that he could have stability and love....and I could properly function as a teenager and discover who I am.

Today, my best friend called me to tell me that she doesn't want to be a mom anymore. When she was pregnant she planned to also place her baby for adoption. At the last minute (2 hours before placement) she kept the baby with a little help from her controlling mother.

Well, all parties involved have respected her choice without ever saying " told you so". When she called me today to tell me about how frustrated she was with her child and her new lifestyle, I didn't say "I told you so". Instead, I took a big breath and thanked god that I had made the decision to give my baby to a family who had the love, patience, and money for him. Because at 16, I surely couldn't have been half the parent that his new mommy and daddy are.

I see the frustration in my friends eyes. She longs for financial stability, dating, and all of the freedoms that come when you are a single woman without baggage.

Don't get me wrong, I respect single mothers and I do everything I can to help her, but I am so glad that I chose the road less traveled...because it made all the difference.

If you have an adoption story, I would love to hear it.

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