Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Too young

I worry about girls who come to me and say "I want to be a stripper". Let me explain that there is nothing wrong with stripping in my eyes as long as the girl is mature and understands that it is not a game or a hobby. It is a life style. I don't offer classes for aspiring strippers and I don't train exotic dancers.

But I have girls at the studio as young as 18 who can not wait to turn 21 so they can be an exotic dancer. Instead of waiting, they jump the gun and go work at the most foul hole in the wall you can find.

Let me educate you a little about Utah law. There are two kinds of strip clubs.
21 and over - Liquor is served so the dancers can only go down to pasties and a g-string.
18 and over - No liquor served, so dancers can go completely nude.

So what does this mean to an aspiring 18 year old? She can go work in an all nude club, but she can't work in a "classier" club that would require that she keep some clothes on.

I don't know what to think. I guess what I am saying is that regardless of age limit, clothing requirements, liquor laws....she will be a stripper if she wants to be. I think they should require that all girls be 21 years of age. If they must allow 18 year olds to strip, then they should be allowed to choose which type of club they dance in. It's like saying to an 18 year old, "Get naked! When you turn 21, you will have earned the right to keep some clothing on."

It's a little confusing to me!


Unknown said...

I think that 18 is to young, I think there should be a law with the hole in the walls that don't serve liquior that they have to be 21 - regardless of beverages served. Most 18 year olds still live with mom and dad, in Utah anyways. I'm glad your classy studio doesn't teach stripping.. Love ya gorgeous..

Tinabean said...

I am in total agreement with you on this one sister.
It all seems very backwards to me.

Anonymous said...

Granted, I've said on numerous occasions I'd be a stripper if it was more socially acceptable and I wouldn't get fired from my nerdy accounting job that I love...but that does seem really backwards.