Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Suck it up

I voted. But to tell you the truth, I felt like I wasn't given a candidate that really truly spoke to me. I felt like Barack was mostly talking to african americans and far left liberals and I felt like Mccain was talking to wealthy cowboys. I don't know...I'm not rich, I'm not poor...I'm just me. I'm middle America.

But can I just say that while I was watching Senator Obama's speech, my eyes welled up with tears. I believed him when he said "Yes we can". I cried when I saw Oprah and Mr. Jackson with tears rolling down their cheeks. What an amazing thing this must be for African American's all across the world. We can be anything we want to be! With hard work and motivation...anything is possible. After last night, I truly believe that.

Anyway, he will be my new president. I will stand behind him when he's right and I will voice my opinion when he is wrong. If this is really the moment when American's come together, I think we all need to go into the new year with this attitude.

I just want my president to say what he means and mean what he says. I truly hope he will follow through on all of his promises.

Oh one more thing! California once again voted no to gay marriage. And another state banned gay adoption. What is wrong with this country? I know of plenty of straight couples that put the word "parent" to shame. I know even more married couples who take the right for granted. They cheat, beat, and divorce each other.

I am thankful for my marriage and my right to be married...but I don't think that I deserve that right more than anyone else. It's very sad to me that so many people will go through this life without the rights that I am so lucky to have. Without marriage, these couples have an up hill battle with parental rights, health insurance, medical issues, and so much more.

But I do believe that I will see a man marry a man and a woman marry a woman in my life time. I really do.


Unknown said...

I love you Meagan, not for just being the person that you are, but for loving me for the person that I am - I left you some kudos in my latest blog entry. I cannot begin to thank you enough for your unconditionalness.. Is that a word?

Tinabean said...

I'm proud of you for voting!
I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU so much for coming out & doing our family pictures for us.
You are the best I really appreciate you & I am so excited to see them!!!
I love you!
Your Sista Tina.