Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Natural born killer

My husband was cleaning out the basement yesterday and found his hunting gun. He held it up to his shoulder a few times...I don't know why he did it, I guess it's just a guy thing. Maybe he was checking his "gun holding skills".

So he cleaned it up a bit and then put it back in the closet.

Five minutes later, I come down stairs to see my sweet daughter doing this with a vacuum attachment:

God help me!


Waiting for the One=-) said...

I feel your pain. As I write this Ethan is running around the house hunting with a water gun. What are you going to do if she likes that stuff too?

Tinabean said...

She's just like her daddy!!
So what should I get her for her birthday a plastic shot gun?
Or maybe a little pink dress, maybe something in between the two.

But really what should I get her???

Coach B. said...

You should get her something between the two...really i don't know either. She's really into princess stuff (Ariel, Cinderella, ect. )

Yeah Nikki....I don't know what the two of us should do. I guess Ethan and Evan will be hunting buddies one day