Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Evan

Dear Evan,
You turned three years old this past week. I hated it! You are the most fun, beautiful, special little person I've ever met and I love the stage you are at right now. I could mommy you forever if you would only stay three years old.

You are such a little daddy's girl. Today, I came home from work only to find you and your daddy dancing to country music. He loves you and you are his everything.

My three wishes for you for your third birthday:

Be different - It's okay if you don't live in Utah your whole life, get married at 20 and have 2.5 kids. Explore this world and all it has to offer. Move to New York, dance on broadway, start a business, get to know yourself inside and out.

Be kind - The best compliment I ever got was from a girl I used to go to high school with. She went out of her way to find me and thank me for always being kind to her...even though she wasn't the least bit beautiful or popular. I want you to get that compliment every day of your life from everyone you meet. Be the person that everyone wants to befriend.

Remember who you are and where you come from - You come from a mom and dad who are crazy about you. You were born in a cool little town called Ogden. Your great grandparents cherish you and your grandma's would stab eachother in the back to get to spend the afternoon with you. Your mom loves animals and dance...your dad loves hunting and spending time with family. You are energetic, spunky, and bossy.

You're only three but I know that you will be someone great that will change lives and inspire your family and friends.

Happy birthday girlie! If you must grow, grow into something great.


Tinabean said...

Ohhhhhhh I'm crying that was soooooooo sweet.
She really is the best & cutest little girl.
She is for sure loved by many.
She will be great.

Tinabean said...

Hey Sister I'm tagging you!
You need to go to my blog to find out what you have to do!!!

Jo said...

That is one of the sweetest posts I have ever read! Tears in my eyes and she is a really great kid!