I haven't been to church in over two years. I don't particularly enjoy it nor do I like the people who inhabit the space. Okay, not all the people. Mainly those over 60 who have tunnel vision.
And today reaffirmed my dislike for the LDS chruch (mormon).
Before I get into the nasties, let me tell you why I went.
My mother decided to take my three year old daughter to the church in her neighborhood. My daughter talked about her experience for the next two weeks. She recited songs that were sang, games that were played, and manners that I forgot were supposed to be taught. She learned how to introduce herself to people (shaking hands & saying hi). She learned a song about cleaning up, and the Itsy Bitsy Spider song.
She loved it! So I decided that I could sit through two hours of torture so that she could have her fun.
I got to church today, dropped Evan off to her primary class, and went to find a couch to start reading a book that my sister in law lent me weeks ago.
I was bombarded by my old boss who was now a ward missionary.
"Meagan! How are you? Are you in this ward? I haven't ever seen you here. Has it been a while? Why don't you come sit with my wife and I? You'll love it!"
What could I say?
I sat through that class and let me tell you....it was the most boring hour of my life. Not only was it boring, the people in the class were so closed minded...it would make any out-of-stater scream!
The discussion was about growing your spiritual seed like you would grow a tree seed. One man actually said "You need to take care of your seed, but you also need to protect it from those who will try to steal your seed. Crows are known to steal seeds after they are planted. Non believers are like crows. They will steal your spirit."
A non-believer is not trying to steal your "seed". They are simply non-believers. It is totally possible to have a wonderful friendship with someone who is not of faith.
Most of the people in class carried on the topic of non-believers. They are sent by Satan to oppose those who are trying to live the faith.
I am not sent by Satan. I am another person put on this earth to live, learn, and make my own choices. Nobody was put here by Satan to attack the Mormons. Okay, there are truly evil people on this earth who might have been sent by Satan, but I doubt that the neighbor next door who refuses the missionaries and watches football on Sunday's was really sent by Satan.
Give me a freakin' break.
Maybe I'll consider being an active member in the church when they update thier policies on tolerance and acceptance. In other words: Stop trying to change me. Don't look at me like you're better than me. Don't talk dirt on those who live alternative lives. Understand that there are beautiful people who will never step foot in the church...and that's okay...it's their lives. AND maybe you don't know better than me. Maybe those who live a different lifestyle are actually happier and more fullfilled than you are.
Anyway, I will go back next Sunday because my daughter made a friend :)
Thanks for letting me vent. If I actually said any of that stuff in church, they wouldn't let me in ever again...and my daughter really needs to make new friends :0