Monday, March 30, 2009

Pole Dancing Controversy

As many of you already know, Davis County commissioners are trying to ban my pole dancing competition on may 16th at the Davis Conference Center. Many news outlets have been following the story including FOX 13 news, The Standard Examiner, Salt Lake Tribune, and KSL news.

Since this is my blog, I'm going to say what I want to say about this happening.
The athletic women who are competing in this event are not strippers! They are women who are on a mission to change the way this world looks at pole dancing.

Did you know that pole dancing was origionally a circus event? In europe, a gentlemen's club decided to put one in their establishment. The rest is history. All we are doing is taking the pole back to its origional roots.

One of my favorite quotes:
"Not all strippers pole dance, and not all pole dancers strip".

For those who don't know, I am from Utah and I am trying to host this event in one of the most conservative counties in the state. Wish me luck!

Below are the links to read the news stories. The one that FOX 13 did was great!


Tinabean said...

I think it's all a bunch of crap! Have any of the opposing ever been to one of your classes to see what it's all about?
They all need to lighten up!
I'm on your side sister!

On another not I found a really cute cake you could do for Brandon's B-day.
Go to Layers of Love on my blog & check out the duck hunting cake. It's my friends blog.
Let me know what you think. Love Ya!!!

Jessica Pauline Ogilvie said...

woah, that is craaazy - trying to ban your competition? i really hope they don't get that one done - pole dancing is an art.

Bert & Flo Handmade said...

Grrr. When will people begin to get more open minded about pole dancing?!

Thanks for dropping by my blog, I've posted a couple of tips about the Handspring there x

LL said...

Ok, I found this blog by accident and I'm concerned that my comment will be viewed other than the way I want it to be. If I'm butting into an area where I don't belong - please forgive me.

I can't believe that anyone would deny you a business license because you are sponsoring dance classes. That has to be the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Don't they have to justify a denial on some sort of rational basis?

What about another town near to the one that is causing you problems?

LL said...

It makes you wonder what dark cold fear lives in the hearts of the people who fear dance (perhaps with the exception of a polka). Their bias and prejudice must run deep and bitter.

Fear does strange things to people.

LL said...

Parting shot at those people who are giving you a hard time: A lot of people think they are thinking when all they are doing is rearranging their prejudices.

Unknown said...

First off I just want to say that it is awesome you are having this competition. Pole dancing is such a hard thing to do in my book because you have to be so physically fit to do so. I certainly wish I were half as good as the women and men out there that do pole dancing. I personally think that whoever is trying to ban your competition is full of themselves, and they obvisouly are associating the pole dancing with the sleezy side of it. I'm sure the first thing that comes to their minds when they think of pole dancing is nasty strippers, but like you said they are not strippers.
I am actually going to give a speech in my speech class tomorrow...I am suppose to persuade my audience to take up pole dancing. It should be fun and interesting.
I am totally on your side girl, and I hope they don't cancell your competition!

Unknown said...

First off I just want to say that it is awesome you are having this competition. Pole dancing is such a hard thing to do in my book because you have to be so physically fit to do so. I certainly wish I were half as good as the women and men out there that do pole dancing. I personally think that whoever is trying to ban your competition is full of themselves, and they obvisouly are associating the pole dancing with the sleezy side of it. I'm sure the first thing that comes to their minds when they think of pole dancing is nasty strippers, but like you said they are not strippers.
I am actually going to give a speech in my speech class tomorrow...I am suppose to persuade my audience to take up pole dancing. It should be fun and interesting.
I am totally on your side girl, and I hope they don't cancell your competition!