Monday, August 25, 2008

A storm rolls in

A storm has hit this family so goes by the name of heroine.

Jenny's Intervention episode aires on A&E next Monday (Sept.1). She is not in treatment yet. The TV show never provided a second chance treatment. The next option was her LDS bishop. He promised help, and then 4 days later withdrew his offer for reason that were never explained. I'm not a big fan of the LDS church right now. I personally called her bishop a dozen times wanting an explanation and he has not returned any of the messages. What kind of bishop is this?

I hit the phones hard today and found a wonderful treatment center in Sandy, UT called "Arch of Cottonwood". They will be providing Jenny with $20,000 worth of treatment and a medical detox for both her and the unborn baby. I will be personally driving her to treatment tomorrow at noon. I am thrilled, but there was something about this last process that, quite frankly, pissed me off.

I was informed by the executive producer of the show that Jenny's episode would be running on Monday. He said toward the end of the episode, they would provide the viewer with an update that would read "Jenny left treatment after 31 days. She relapsed, became pregnant, and is still using heroine".

Don't get me wrong, all of that is true...but why would someone want to air dirty dirty laundry such as that? How do they benefit from making my cousin look like a heartless junkie? It's bad enough to say that she relapsed...but to tell millions of people that she is a pregnant heroine user????

She will live with the consequences of her drug use for the rest of her life....and now everybody knows about it....EVERYBODY!!!

So I told that executive producer where he could shove it. I mentioned to him that the unborn child did not sign the privacy waiver, and the unborn child could not speak for its self. He told me that if the family loved Jenny and the baby, we would have paid for treatment by now. He told me that I wasn't doing enough to help my cousin.

Well that lit a fire under my ass and that's when I got on the phones. One hour later, Jenny had the best treatment center in Utah for free!!! And she leaves tomorrow. Screw "Intervention". They were very helpful in the beginning but now they have shown their true colors. They don't care about the addicts...they want ratings.

This is Jenny. She is a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and now a mother-to-be. She will get better!

Update (09-01-08)

The family is not upset with Intervention. When I wrote this post, I was upset not with Intervention, but that Jenny wanted so badly to go to treatment....and I was unable to come through for her. The day after I wrote this, I felt much better. I understand now that this show helps helps the addicts and it also helps the viewers who might be going through similar situations. I am 100% a supporter of Intervention. So please, don't leave me any nasty comments.


Unknown said...

This is a much different blog than the last update. And it's very heartfelt. I have mixed feelings about it all being a recovering alcoholic myself. I know heroine is much different than alcohol but the addiction and need is the same. I think what you did before is almost biting you in the behind when you decided that since you'd been going to church you felt compelled to call Intervention and tell them the truth, vs. what everyone else was telling them. And now since the church wouldn't help, Intervention wouldn't intervene again - it was up to you to make it happen. And it's commendable what you have done for her all along.
I think as a TV show and insight to the outside world of treatment and addiction, Intervention has to tell the truth even if it looks like slander, to save the next person. The stories are real and extremely raw. If they painted the picture that every addict's family wanted them to paint with the outcome the message wouldn't be as strong. Jenny did leave rehab, she has relapsed and she is pregnant.

It paints a picture for others to realize addiction is deadly and it can be deadly to more than just the user. If everything is a pretty picture it doesn't seem real or reachable to those who are in or stuck inside of a cycling addiction. I don't necessarily think it's about ratings, I think it's about the underlying issues and if her story, the true story helps just one person who watches it - it's worth it. Jenny has a story to tell, she's the author and the one in complete contol. She knows the beginning, middle and end of her story like no one else.

I wish you and Jenny all the luck in the world, but you know as well as I do - it's not about luck it's about wanting something more than you've ever wanted in your whole life, and that's to be clean. No one can do that for her, she has to want it with everything in her. And I hope that one day, she realizes what you've done for her and the baby. I will keep them both in my prayers. She's beautiful!

I looked at the intervention website to see what different times her episode would air, it doesn't have her listed on the 1st of September so maybe they are going to wait it out and see what happens, to give time for a more influential outcome. My thoughts are with you.

Coach B. said...

You are so nice! I understand where you're coming from about the "rating" thing. Now that I see it that way, I am sure that's what it is. But it still sucks.

Right now, I am headed over to get Jenny. Her friend Tiffany has been living with Jenny's family and has become quite the problem. So right after we drop Jenny off, we are headed over to the house with a police escort to bid Tiffany a final farewell. Wish me luck ;)

Unknown said...

I wish you the most luck ever. I'm glad you didn't take offense to my comment. I just wanted to give you the prespective from someone's point view who's been on the inside and is now on the outside of addiction. I wish you the best of luck today. I know you and I don't know much about each other, but read my last blog - it's got addiction spelled out. I also want you to know, that I am willing to help in anyway possible. If you want me to befriend her, if you want me to help you in ways you may not know how to, if you want me to go to meetings with her. I would do and will do anything for those who still suffer.

Good Luck. I'll be waiting for the next entry. You are a very strong person, and cousin.

Coach B. said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to introduce you to her. She has some terrible friends who will be waiting to re-introduce her to the drugs the second she gets out.

Unknown said...

Email me at and I'll give you my phone number. You can call me when you think she's ready, or even when she's not. Cause you have to understand as much as you feel like this is tearing you up, and the family up inside - it's very gut wrenching to be the one causing the friction and have something that you think is impossible to live without. Anytime you or she needs me, I'm just a phone call away. Even if it's to cry because you/she doesn't understand why? I understand why, and I understand there is life after addiction that is even more beautiful than I can even describe.

Unknown said...

I so would like to talk to Jenny! I just watched her episode on Intervention and I've got to say....Unbelievable! I pretty much went through the same exact thing as her. Even the Reproductive (Endometriosis) issue. I had 4 surgeries for it and that is how I got hooked on Drugs. It started with the Pain Killers and I ended up on Heroin. I am in Recovery now. But, I totally know where she is coming from about not being able to have a family and the Depression and all which kinda of led her to the drugs. My story is the same. I am 30 years old and have still yet to start a family, but I think I've accepted that it may not happen. I read that she has become pregnant?? I hope and will pray she can overcome her addiction so that she can be a great mother to that child! I would Love to talk to her if I could. My email is Please tell her I will Pray for her!!

Unknown said...

good luck to jenny and her unborn baby; but don't blame intervention; SHE put that needle in her arm, a & e DIDN'T.

Coach B. said...

I know that A&E didn't put the needle in her arm. We are just having a hard time because the worst part of her life is now public for millions to see. It's a little embarassing, but hopefully it will inspire some.

All we wanted was treatment, not to be exploited. The episode that aired was not what I had expected. I thought that it was done in good taste...I am not disappointed in Intervention.