Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Intervention Update

Cousin Jenny is now 5 months pregnant and using heroine. If you knew Jenny 14 months ago, you would never have guessed that she would be 30, pregnant, and a hard core drug addict.

Just over a year ago, Jenny owned her own home, had two brand new cars, worked at a high end hair salon, and had a nice savings account.

Now, she has lost it ALL. Her house is gone, both cars are gone, she forged a clients check and lost her hair licence, and her $ is long gone. I must say that I am amazed at how fast drugs can ruin someone's life. It didn't take her six months before she lost it all and overdosed three times.

Since the Intervention show, she has not slowed down one bit. Every time the show called anyone in the family for an update, we were instructed to say that she was clean and everything was fine. It is not fine! She's due in 4 months and the baby could die or have mild to severe handicapps. It is not fine!

So, I went behind everyone's back and called the show. They were shocked to learn that she was pregnant and using. They were about to run the episode on TV with the happy update.
But since I've been going to church, I had this feeling that I needed to tell the show that all was not well.

I told on her, but now they have offered her a second chance in a local rehab clinic for 90-120 days. I'm sure she was upset to learn that I told, but she needs to fix this.

Did you know that a pregnant mother on heroine can not quit cold turkey. Quitting cold turkey could kill the baby and possilby the mother. So, even if she wanted to quit, she couldn't. She needs help and now she's going to get it....for the second time!!!


Unknown said...

Sorry about your cousin. I think you did the right thing. Nice blog by the way. I just found it today.

Tinabean said...

I think you totally did the right thing sis.
It doesn't do her any good to pretend or tell everyone that she's doing good.
If she will & can ever get clean I'm sure she'll thank you someday.
You did it from your heart because you love her & you can't stand to watch her kill herself & now her baby.