Wednesday, August 27, 2008

She is safe

Yesterday, my mother and I took Jenny to the new treatment center....and let me tell you! It is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. I found myself wishing I was the addict :) Here are some pics of the Ark of Little Cottonwood:

Yes they have horses. The horses actually assist in treatment. They call it "EQUINE ASSISTED PSYCHOTHERAPY". While we were checking Jenny in, the other patients were out in the pasture finger painting the horse for a therapy activity :)

This facility is much better than the last one Jenny went to. At the last one, she was able to make unlimited phone calls, go walk to the grocery store, and have visitors at any time.

NOT at this place. Let me read you a couple of the rules...they have 230 rules in all.

1. No use of tobacco

2. No piercings, hair treatments, hair cuts, shaving heads

3. Mandatory urinalysis test, alcohol breath tests, and room searches at any time

4. No caffiene drinks after 5:00pm

5. No rearranging the furniture

6. No rated "R" movies

7. No cell phones, internet, or television

8. No glorifying drug use.

9. Board games may be played on weekends, playing cards are not permitted

10. Shoes must be worn at all times when outside of the bedroom.

Anyway, there are 10 rules that I thought were pretty cool. They seem strict, but Jenny will probably try to do all of these if they were not clearly spelled out on paper.

Jenny actually broke a rule while we were checking in. She had her bags searched and a loaded soringe was found with heroine in it. So I'm sure she got written up after we left.

This facility does not mess around...but at the same time, all of the counselors were extremely nice and most had a good sense of humor. The mansion was to die for and Jenny gets her own large bedroom with her own bathroom equiped with a steam shower and a jetted tub.

If she can just follow the rules, she will have it made for the next 90 days.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture that we took right before we left her there.
Jenny is to have no contact with the outside world for the next 14 days (no calls, no visitors, no letters). So, I won't have any update for a while.
Don't forget to watch Intervention this Monday (Sept. 1) to see Jenny's episode.


Unknown said...

It's beautiful. My favorite part is the last picture though of the 3 of you. Jenny is very lucky to have people who haven't given up on her. She needs to do some serious soul searching. And with the syringe in the bag, it shows she's just not quite ready to let it go, but in the 14 days of having zero heroine and no contact with the outside world, maybe she'll be one step closer.

Here's my insight to the rules you though were good ones.

1. No use of tobacco
** It's a vice to another drug. It's also an addiction. I know this one well**

2. No piercings, hair treatments, hair cuts, shaving heads
** The outside is not as important as the inside. The outside comes with building up the inside. And it's could be look at as someone trying to distinguish their outside to look different then the others they are recovering with**

3. Mandatory urinalysis test, alcohol breath tests, and room searches at any time.
**These are a must, and for obvious reasons. They will be more frequent when she has contact with the outside world for obvious reasons**

4. No caffiene drinks after 5:00pm
**It's addicting and it's an upper. They want you to be able to sleep and when withdrawling it's extremely difficult to sleep so why add fuel to the fire**

5. No rearranging the furniture
**Change is not always good, and can break someone's thought process. This should be a rule though, everything should be nailed to the ground**

6. No rated "R" movies
**Sex, drugs, or alcohol is very much part of the R rated movie catagory. So why even go there**

7. No cell phones, internet, or television
**Contact with bad contacts, chatting on the internet with the outside world and television is a distraction for the issue at hand, hence the horses and fingerpainting. They start the thought process as if you are a toddler learning to walk. Slowly but steadily**

8. No glorifying drug use.
**Don't try to make your addiction sound cool, or act like you sold Meth to Madonna, because your in rehab and it makes you look like a dumb ass, also talking about it makes the craving stick around longer**

9. Board games may be played on weekends, playing cards are not permitted
**Gambling is an addiction linked to alcohol and can lead to compulsive behavior**

10. Shoes must be worn at all times when outside of the bedroom.
**This is my favorite, they act as if it's for plantar warts, but it's because if the cops have to come in you are completely dressed and ready to be hauled off**

I'm so proud of you for sticking by her, I really hope she "gets it" this time, because it's one thing to be willing to go, and say you want to be clean - it's another thing to do the work to get there. I'll be watching on Monday. You should relax for the 14days - she's in good hands, and hands that can help her if she wants it. It's all up to her.

Coach B. said...

Oh my god! You're so good! You should go into this line of are very knowledgable and you really understand the addict.

Seriously...think about it.

Tinabean said...

I'm very proud of you sister for sticking by your cousin.
It just goes to show how much you love her.
I hope for everyones sake that she really puts her all into it this time.