Monday, November 5, 2007

Top 10 Stresses in my life today

1. Preparing my drill team for competition season

2. Getting ready to open the new dance studio

3. My stupid lab puppy that fights with my 2 year old daughter

4. We all have the flu today

5. My mom is getting a divorce from her husband

6. My house isn't worth what we owe...and I want to move now!

7. It's getting cold outside and I hate it!

8. My good friend is out of a job, cell phone, and living off of my tax dollar. Hope she gets on her feet soon!

9. Grandparents are getting old...I don't want them to die

10. And of course....MONEY!


Keira said...

Man, and I thought I was stressed. Good luck with everything! :)

Coach B. said...

It's probably not that bad...I'm just a complainer :) Thanks Keira!