Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bad Utahn!

While I was trolling the Utah blogs today...I started to feel a little guilty. I ran into women who were making gingerbread houses, taking trips to temple square to see the lights, blogging about how to wrap a Christmas present...and it goes on and on and ON.

All of the above things are the type of activities my Grandma would love me to do...but it's not me. I have tried to be a good Mormon girl, but I'm not. Morally...I'm about a 6 1/2 and Stepford wife stuff isn't for me. I prefer to see the ligts from the road, my Christmas presents look like hell. Why take the time to make them pretty when the cat is just going to scratch it right?

I don't know how these women live week to week. I admire them and I think it's great...but it's way too much energy just to get my 3 year old to ballet class once a week and get dinner on the table for the family when I can, and of course...run the business.

Maybe there's something to the Dr. Laura theory of stay at home Mom's. But then there's the world that I live in...and you know what? I like my world without gingerbread houses, temple square, and fancy wrapping paper.

Thanks for reading!


Holly Janeen said...

thanks for visiting my blog... and sorry if it was such an 'unfortunate' find!
looks like you do a lot of good in your own way. gingerbread houses cost money and you cant even eat them afterwards! presents dont need to be wrapped pretty because they just get torn open! its whats on the inside that counts, anyways!
i dont think being a good mormon is defined by those things at all, and i would never ever call myself a good mormon. i make a lot of mistakes in life, and the road i travel is not a perfect one, but i know the Lord is aware of me.
i dont have any kids yet, and i am positive that when i do (in march) i am going to find out a lot of things about REAL LIFE that i never even thought of. i admire you for being a mom and being able to run your own business... that takes talent, guts, and hard work! i bet it keeps you in great shape :) ... which is something i DEFINATELY am not... in shape!
anyways... glad you stopped by, and hope you have a wonderful Christmas season, regardless of how you celebrate it! :)

Waiting for the One=-) said...

As long as you and your family have a wonderful life together and you are able to do what you are doing, don't worry about what you are NOT doing.
I feel people expect too much from moms here in Utah.