Thursday, June 26, 2008

Got a new car!

Check out my new ride:
It's a Dodge Nitro ( 1 year old...that's practically new to me )

This is our third car...and my daughter can't seem to grasp the concept of three cars.

To her, mom has a car, dad has a truck, and now we have another guess who's it is? She says it's hers. She gets mad if dad drives it to work, she gets mad if it is moved to the street, and she gets mad if I don't let her play inside of it for at least one hour a day.

Yeah she loves her car...I wish it was mine :)


Tinabean said...

I'm impressed very nice congrats!
To bad it's little sassy pants car huh?
She is way to stinkin cute!!!

Waiting for the One=-) said...

Very nice! I bet you are having so much fun driving it around, when you get permission from the little one.