Thursday, March 13, 2008

5 days to intervention!

In case you didn't know, my cousin Jenny is on meth and heroine and will be facing an intervention in 10 day. But, this isn't just any intervention, she will be on the actual show called "Intervetion". It's on A & E.

Anyway, they start filming in five days and I can't wait. She seems to get worse by the day. Today I called her to see if she wanted to come up to my dance studio to hang curtians. She told me that she needed to cut someone's hair at 1:00pm. She said that it would take her until at least 4:30pm. A three and a half hour hair cut? Yeah, she just needed time to cut someone's hair, get high, come off the high, get high again, and then come hang out with me.

She told my grandma the other day that she was going to be on TV to talk about her addiction (she doesn't know that she will be facing an intervention). My grandma knew about the intervention and the TV show, but she played dumb. "Oh yeah Jenny, that sounds like a great idea!"

Anyway, she's got the crummiest friends. I hope they burn in hell for what they've done to her. I know it sounds mean, but I could care less if her friends ever got clean. I don't care about their families, their sad stories, or their pathetic lives. I just want my cousin clean and away from them. She is way better than this. She didn't have bad parents. She doesn't have any illigetimate children. She had a great job, her own house, her own car. She was a fantastic friend, cousin, sister, and daughter. And these creeps have taken all of that away from her.

Burn in hell "Crista"! (That's her druggie friends name).

AAAAggghhhh, I feel better. Thanks for listening.

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