Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The husband is gone!

My husband has only been gone for 6 hours and already I have the entire house clean as a whistle. I had lunch made, laundry done and just finished vacuuming when I got a phone call from my sobbing 16 year old brother, C.

Aparantely, he got caught by the cops for lighting fire crackers in the back yard of my mom and step dad's house (which has about an acre). The police arrived and sent his friends home and asked to speak with his parents. Well, my mom was off doing whatever it is she does so the only other option was for the officer to call my dad.

Let me tell you something about my father. He has a temper that crossed the abusive border line years ago when he back handed me across the face for letting my bank account go $10 in the negative. Anyway, he has hit myself and my other brother "Mr. Ty" who is now 20.

Of course my dad flew off the handle and started yelling at C. He called me scared to death that it was his turn to get beat. So, I called my dad and told him to chill. After all, since when is it such a terrible thing to have a 16 year old boy being a teenager. My brother gets yelled at for having friends in his car, staying out late, playing with fire works and playing video games. Not real sure, but it sounds like he's just being a teenager. Who knows...maybe I'll know better when I have a teenager. But even then, I refuse to hit them or verbally abuse them for hours on end.

Anyway....here's my positive and negative for the day about being a birth mother.

Positive: I feel a sense of pride that I didn't burden society with my medical costs, child care, and State assisted housing.

Negative: I stopped getting updates about my son last year. So from now on, I know nothing about him....which I'm actually okay with.

Thanks for listening!

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