Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Things to remember

I have the worst memory. I am sure that I will have some form of alzeihmers when I am older. I don't remember anything about my life before the age of 13. A few random memories, but not much. I always lose my keys, and my grandpa suffers from alzeimers.

So, I'm going to start writing things that I would like to remember (while I'm still sharp).

- When I put on lip gloss or lip stick in front of my daugther, I'm not allowed to rub my lips together. She will scream "Don't eat your lip stick!"

- When she has an ear ache, she says "Momma. I have a bird in my ear."

- She doesn't say polka dots...she says polka bots :)

- She insisits on climbing through my car door to get to her car seat. It drives me crazy!

- She calls her Grandma Nielsen "Grandma Forsey". My mom has a horse...so what she reallly means is "Grandma Horsey". My dad is "Grandpa Mountain"...because he lives in the mountains. I have taught her to call them these names. In our family, everyone is divorced and she would have a Grandma Nielsen, Allgood, Burroughs, and Chapman. I think it's better to come up with cute names since there are so many to remember.

- She has the worst studder I've ever heard from a child her age. We're going to check into it after her fourth brithday if it doesn't improve. Personally, I think it's cute...but I don't want her to be teased by other children.

That's good for now. When I think of more, I will post again.


AquariusArts said...

good idea to write down what your kid says... I may have to steal that idea.

Tinabean said...

It's a good idea to write these things down you forget so easy even if you don't want to.
I wish this blogging thing was around when Courtnie & Cody were little.
Little Evan is just so cute!!!