Monday, August 13, 2007

My Wet Camera

Mr. Hot, Teenie E. and myself decided to go for an afternoon swim in the back yard tonight before dinner. It was fun. Yada yada. While we were swimming, I set the camera on the grass full intending to pick it up on our way back in.
Yeah, I totally forgot about it. On my way in the house, I turned the sprinklers on.

I said a prayer for it before I chucked it in the garbage can. Now, I'm looking on ebay for a newer one.

So since I can't post any new pictures, I will share with you a picture of my daughters birthday party in our pool.

Above you can see how much Teenie E. likes her pool. I don't know what we'd do without it. Here she is with her best friend Olive. I don't really know if they'll really be best friends, but one can only hope.

I don't remember if I mentioned my bad experience in Vegas with my first alcholic beverage (went very badly, barfing in the middle of the Vegas Blvd. leaning out the cab). Well, I've decided to try it again. So my husband just left to get me a fuzzy navel (aka bitch beer). He swears I will like it. We'll see.

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