Thursday, February 5, 2009

Free money!

Did you know that if you are a single mom with three kids you can get free money? That's right you can get free housing, free day care, free health insurance, free groceries, free utilities, AND now free money!!!!???

What the fuck? Why is it that a free loading member of society who only worked for two months in 2008 got a $4600 tax return? AND THEN bought a plasma T.V. with that money.

I'm telling you what! If I don't at least get $4600, I'm gonna shout at the top of my lungs. My husband works 40 hours a week, I own a small business and employ 13 people. We only have one kid and we are all covered under health insurance that we pay for. I pay with my own cash at the grocery store...and I have to watch how full I fill the bath tub...because I know that I will have to pay for the water I use. So, if I don't get "rewarded" for my families hard work...I'm going to be one pissed off bitchy lady. And the free loaders had better watch out.

*I understand that people need a helping hand every once in a while. I happen to have two friends who are on polar opposite ends of the welfare game. One is abusing it, and one is using it as a stepping stone for a better life. When using the welfare system...please keep in mind that you are spending my money. So use it wisely!

1 comment:

Tinabean said...

I agree totally.
People who really need it aren't getting it because of those that abuse it!!!