Tuesday, April 29, 2008

She's Back :(

For those who don't know, I entered my heroine addicted cousin, Jenny, to be part of a show called "Intervention". After much hard work (submission of video's, pictures, family letters, contact lists, privacty agreements, and much more), she was accepted to be part of the show.

The producers told her that it was a documentary about addiction. She didn't know she would be on the actual show "Intervention".

Anyway, she accepted help and agreed to enter a 90 day program in Northern California. The freaking place was right on the beach. She had a chef, driver, and the best treatment money can buy.

She stayed 29 days before running away and catching a flight home (courtesy of her drug dealer).

Needless to say, I'm very disappointed...no, I'm PISSED! Jenny appears to be back on heroine and meth. I haven't seen her, but she has spent the last 4 days with her old drug friends. So I assume they're back to their old tricks.

I don't want to speak to her until she is sober...but something tells me I will attend her funeral first. Jenny has overdosed on heroine 3 times this year and almost lost her life. She's basically walking dead.

If $80,000 worth of treatment and all the family support in the world won't help, nothing will.

I give up!

She's back :(

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I suck at Mommy "ing"

My daughter's sleep schedule is so off. She usually goes to bed bewteen 12-1am. Then she wakes up at 10:00am and rarely takes a nap during the day. I don't know what to do. I have lots of work to do at night, and she won't go to bed with the dad.
She even sleeps with us. She hasn't slept by herself in over two years. Yeah, it's taking a tole on our sex life, but she's soooo cute! So yeah, when it comes to the sleep department of raising a child, I officially suck.
Here's some cute pictures:
How many uncles does it take to find the missing easter egg?

The family at Grandma's house on Easter: